Post And Beam Construction

CARA system - a true chameleon!

STÄNDERBAU With our Cara system we present a different way of building your dream project. The skeletal construction provides a high level of stability. The infill of the walls can be made with cladding of different shapes and thicknesses, modern or classic-looking.
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Thanks to the post-and-beam construction we achieve a clear composition of horizontal and vertical elements. Our roof shapes offer the possibility to integrate the building into your surroundings. Thanks to our range of doors and windows you can make your building even more unique.

  • Post-and-beam construction for walls 25/28 mm: posts 10 x 10 cm, for  45 mm: posts 12 x 12 cm, both with tenon joint
  • Frame construction for walls 25/28 mm: 6 x 10 cm, for 45 mm: 8 x 12 cm, with mortise
  • Floor boards with skirting boards and joists
  • Wall elements in different designs
  • Available roof shapes: apex, pent, double-pent, hipped, flat and flat without roof overhangs (CUBO)
  • Adjusting the roof construction for roof tiles is possible
  • Walls can be insulated on site
  • Wide range of accessories: windows, doors, extensions, shingles, EPDM foil, guttering, rain barrels etc. (optional)
  • All wooden components of a Cara building can be delivered pre-treated in BHB wood oil (optional)

possible wall log thicknesses:


Wall cladding up to 45 mm thickness, as well as doors and windows, are available in Scandinavian spruce or Siberian larch. All other elements (posts, roof elements, floor and roof boards) are available only in Scandinavian spruce.